Okita Kazuo-Shimanto-type nouhou

The field work gets pretty, realize the ultimate labor saving farming method!-SHimanto-shiki

Mr. Kazuo Okita is a maker related to agricultural products from Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, and he is involved in material development, and after retirement he started a family garden. Currently studying farming methods every day in a field of 600 tsubo. I am energetically working on writing.


「Many people make a chance to work on vegetable making happily, without straining」

This is my theme. Not only vegetables can be harvested in the field. We can have a rich life such as family and your own health, connection with the community. Let's start home garden with Shimanto-type vegetables.

For Shimanto type farming law, please obtain and obtain the book of Kazuo Okida for details!


Purchasing Shimanto type farm tools from here